
Puerto Rico and New York Meet Again

Representatives Amy Kramer, Tracy Conner, Juan Fernandez, Kim McCumber, Jennifer Montena, and Mike Lanotte from the New York State Credit Union League (NYSCUL) and its affiliate COVERA visited San Juan last week to participate in several meetings aimed at furthering cooperation between Puerto Rico credit unions and the New York State Credit Union League. Victor Corro, WOCCU's international partnership manager accompanied the group.

While on the island, the New York representatives visited Caribe Federal, Jesus Obrero and Abraham Rosa credit unions.

On August 17 more than 40 participants from credit unions from the island participated in a session that explained the benefits of membership at NYSCUL and the services that COVERA provides. As they operate in a U.S. territory, credit unions in Puerto Rico must comply with federal regulations, this is the main focus of the partnership.

Picture taken at Caribe FCU.
More pictures here
Complete press release here


Shared Branching Advances in Ecuador

Through the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) International Partnership Program between Colorado and Ecuador, and Credit Union Service Corporation’s (CUSC) shared branching international relationship, Credit Union Service Network (CUSN), a provider of shared branching services in Colorado and surrounding states, and CUSC recently traveled to Ecuador to evaluate and make recommendations on the country’s developing shared branching system, implemented in May 2005 with CUSC and WOCCU support.

Complete press release here.

L-R (above): Eric Skinner, Laura Pizzarelli, Rosemary Paddock, and Doug Burke where the Northern Hemisphere ends and the Southern Hemisphere begins.

(Right) The delegation at Cooperativa Camara de Comercio de Quito (Quito's Chamber of Commerce Credit Union).


Oregon Representative visits Uzbekistan

David Low from OSU FCU has recently come back from Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The international partnership between the Credit Union Association of Oregon and WOCCU is working on increasing the efficiency of the examination and supervision project components. Low has been three times to Uzbekistan. This visit focused on developing procedures for an early warning system and fraud audit within the Uzbekistan Credit Union Association. Low has been developing and training project staff on the fraud detection and early warning system.

Picture taken at Baraka Credit Union in Uzbekistan.