
Vermont & Peru Meet for the First Time

(CU Visit to VT State Employees CU. Back Row: Rocio Miyashiro (ABACO CEO), Verónica Miyahira (ABACO Marketing Manager), Victor Corro (WOCCU Int'l Partnerships Manager), Miguel Zeballos (AELUCOOP CEO), Liliana Valdizán (FinanTel CEO), Jorge Zevallos (FENACREP Chairman), Joe Bergeron (Association of VT CUs President). Front Row: Manuel Rabines (FENACREP President & WOCCU Treasurer), Steven Post (VT State Employees CU CEO), VT State Employees CU Board Member

The Association of Vermont Credit Unions hosted six leaders of the Peru credit union movement the first week of November. This first meeting between the two potential partners served to acquaint the movements and provided an opportunity to identify areas in which they are able to work together to enhance their movements. The Peruvian delegation found interesting Vermont’s legal and regulatory structure for credit unions, as well as technological services such as home banking, ATM networks, and shared branching.

During their three day visit, Joe Bergeron and Bryan Kent (President and Vice President of the Association of Vermont Credit Unions respectively) took Manuel Rabines (President of FENACREP and WOCCU Treasurer) and five Peruvian credit union CEOs to the Credit Union of Vermont, Heritage Family CU, Vermont State Employees CU, Central Vermont Medical Center CU, and Caswell CU where they were able to meet the credit union managers and build acquaintances for future reunions. These credit unions vary in size and gave visitors an opportunity to identify trends and the differences between larger and smaller CUs in Vermont. They also visited the Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration where they were given a presentation on credit union regulatory practices. WOCCU was represented by Dr. Brian Branch, COO, Victor Miguel Corro, International Partnerships Manager, and Michelle Kramer, International Partnerships Assistant.

To view more photos from this visit, please click here.

Written by Michelle Kramer


Second Partnership Briefing and Hike the Hill during ICU week

Washington, DC—World Council of Credit Unions held an International Partnerships meeting Friday, October 20, in Arlington, Virginia. Twenty-six credit union leaders from United States leagues and World Council shared the progress of their individual partnerships and used the meeting as a forum for best practices.
Representatives from Connecticut, Washington, DC, Missouri, Texas, California, Ohio, New York, Minnesota, Iowa, Alabama, and North Carolina reported on successes in 2006 and gave an overview of planned activities for 2007. The case study for this year’s briefing was the Ohio Credit Union League, Corporate One Federal Credit Union, WOCCU-Bolivia and the Bolivian Credit Union System and World Council. This international partnership focused on technology and connecting credit unions in Bolivia with a shared branching system.

In addition to the partnership briefing, World Council of Credit Unions and the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) celebrated International Credit Union Day at a reception on Capital Hill in Washington, DC. Over 60 representatives from congressional offices, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors and state leagues involved in World Council’s International Partnerships participated in the event.

Click on link for press release on ICU day and partnership briefing.

For lots of pictures of both events click here


Arizona & Caja Libertad Celebrate ICU Day

(Photo: Credit union visit to Arizona Federal. Back row: Arturo Dorado, Raúl Martinez, Laura Lowe Edgar, Front Row: Ruben Toledo, Susana León, Tricia Drexel)

Susana León, Marketing Manager, and Rubén Toledo, Market Analyst, presented Caja Libertad's marketing strategies and statistics at both the Valley of the Sun Chapter Dinner and the Southern Arizona Chapter Dinner in celebration of ICU Day. When delegates from Arizona traveled to Mexico, they heard a similar presentation and decided to invite Susana and Rubén to Arizona so their credit unions could hear how Caja Libertad carries out marketing procedures.

Raúl Martinez, Vice President of Loans & Collections, and Arturo Dorado, Call Center Manager, also made the trip to Arizona to learn about call center operations such as applied technology, strategies for loan sales, and services available to members.

“Our recent visit to several credit unions in Arizona was very fruitful indeed. We (Caja Libertad’s officers) had the chance to learn marketing strategies and also, the chance of sharing our own strategies and information about the Mexican Market in the US. We are also honored for having been part of the celebrations of International Credit Union Day in Arizona. This partnership between Caja Libertad and ACUS has turned out to be a true cooperative interchange and continuous growth for both parts,” stated Ruben Toledo, market analyst.

More pictures here

Written by Michelle Kramer


Russia and the United States Credit Union Movements United in Cooperation

Moscow, St. Petersburg and Vladivostok, Russia

At the request of the Russia Credit Union League (RCUL), a team of United States credit union industry professionals traveled to assess the RCUL three-tiered system and provide recommendations for sustainable services delivery to credit unions in Russia. The delegation was led by Dr. Brian Branch, WOCCU’s Chief Operating Officer. The U.S. professionals were invited to attend given their expertise and involvement in WOCCU’s development activities overseas.

Gene Brody, CEO of Bay Ridge FCU of Brooklyn, New York; Dana Hofmann-Geye, SVP and General Counsel at the Minnesota Credit Union Network; Patrick Jury, CEO of the Iowa Credit Union League; Anne Cochran, CEO at the Louisiana Credit Union League ; John Florian, VP of Governmental Affairs at the Ohio Credit Union Systmen; and Liliana Tangwall, Credit Union Analyst from WOCCU traveled to Russia from September 10-17.

The RCUL system is made up of three tiers. This includes municipal credit cooperatives, regional associations and the federal Russia Credit Union League, located in Moscow. The advisory team analyzed current services and products offered by RCUL. The team is now working on identifying a development strategy for RCUL to provide its member credit unions new and improved services taking into account the linkages and interaction of tiers and their long-term sustainability.
Particular issues to be addressed included:

Group 1: Membership / Advocacy Services: John Florian, Dana Hofmann-Geye
Group 2: Fee for Services: Pat Jury, Gene Brody, Liliana Tangwall
Group 3: Training Services: Anne Cochran, Brian Branch.

Pictures: (top) Hofmann-Geye, Cochran, Branch, Tangwall, Brody, Jury, Florian and Vydrina (RCUL) at St. Basil Church on the Red Square in Moscow.
(bottom) Cochran and Branch hard at work in Vlodovostok (9 hours by plane from Moscow).

More pictures here

Press release sent by RCUL


Connecticut and Trinidad expands Credit Union to Credit Union Partnerships

Connecticut and Trinidad and Tobago further solidified their five-year World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) international partnership at the recent CCUA Leadership Conference with the official partnership agreement of Connecticut's Seasons Federal Credit Union and Trinidad's COPOS Credit Union Cooperative Society, Ltd.

WOCCU'S press release here
CTCUA newsletter here
More pictures here


Oregon Credit Union Association Highlights Partnership with Uzbekistan

The Oregon Credit Union Association writes about thier involvement with Uzbekistan in their newsletter. Click here for details on page 2 (pdf file). Picture taken at Baraka Credit Union in Uzbekistan.


Puerto Rico and New York Meet Again

Representatives Amy Kramer, Tracy Conner, Juan Fernandez, Kim McCumber, Jennifer Montena, and Mike Lanotte from the New York State Credit Union League (NYSCUL) and its affiliate COVERA visited San Juan last week to participate in several meetings aimed at furthering cooperation between Puerto Rico credit unions and the New York State Credit Union League. Victor Corro, WOCCU's international partnership manager accompanied the group.

While on the island, the New York representatives visited Caribe Federal, Jesus Obrero and Abraham Rosa credit unions.

On August 17 more than 40 participants from credit unions from the island participated in a session that explained the benefits of membership at NYSCUL and the services that COVERA provides. As they operate in a U.S. territory, credit unions in Puerto Rico must comply with federal regulations, this is the main focus of the partnership.

Picture taken at Caribe FCU.
More pictures here
Complete press release here


Shared Branching Advances in Ecuador

Through the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) International Partnership Program between Colorado and Ecuador, and Credit Union Service Corporation’s (CUSC) shared branching international relationship, Credit Union Service Network (CUSN), a provider of shared branching services in Colorado and surrounding states, and CUSC recently traveled to Ecuador to evaluate and make recommendations on the country’s developing shared branching system, implemented in May 2005 with CUSC and WOCCU support.

Complete press release here.

L-R (above): Eric Skinner, Laura Pizzarelli, Rosemary Paddock, and Doug Burke where the Northern Hemisphere ends and the Southern Hemisphere begins.

(Right) The delegation at Cooperativa Camara de Comercio de Quito (Quito's Chamber of Commerce Credit Union).


Oregon Representative visits Uzbekistan

David Low from OSU FCU has recently come back from Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The international partnership between the Credit Union Association of Oregon and WOCCU is working on increasing the efficiency of the examination and supervision project components. Low has been three times to Uzbekistan. This visit focused on developing procedures for an early warning system and fraud audit within the Uzbekistan Credit Union Association. Low has been developing and training project staff on the fraud detection and early warning system.

Picture taken at Baraka Credit Union in Uzbekistan.


Kenya and Pennsylvania Meet Again

Rick Myxter, Pennsylvania Credit Union Association Senior Planning Consultant, recently returned from his third trip to Kenya, where he’s been working with World Council of Credit Union (WOCCU) officials to educate SACCO (credit union) staff and volunteers and establish a regulatory system.

Myxter participated in the Strathmore-World Council of Credit Unions African Management Institute (SWAMI) at Strathmore University in Nairobi. The Institute provides three-tiered training for certified professionals and board members of the SACCO movement. The first class graduated in November, 2005.

The June class included 80 participants in the three tiers, representing seven African countries: Kenya, Ghana, Uganda, Malawi, Republic of South Africa, Botswana, and Swaziland.
Myxter says the majority of students are young professionals (25-40), who realize they will be the future SACCO leaders. This group readily accepts the necessity of regulation and the development of operational standards (PEARLS) to develop SACCOs into full-service financial institutions.

Myxter spent some time with the Tier 3 class and participated in discussion on the development of a budget and business plan. At the end of the week-long institute, a graduation ceremony was held. The highlight was an appearance by Patrick Khaemba, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperative Development and Marketing, who congratulated the class and assured them that the SACCO Act would be passed. Seeking Regulatory LegislationDuring the week, Myxter and WOCCU officials met with Khaemba concerning SACCO regulation. It has taken three years to get legislation ready for Parliament, however, it’s unlikely to get passed this year because it is not considered a priority. Next year will pose even more hurdles for passage as it is an election year for Parliament.
Passage of the Act is critical as SACCOs are beginning to be considered a threat to banks. Because of the growth and success of SACCOs, banks are likely to oppose the legislation to give more financial powers to them.

“SACCOs are the mainstay of the vast majority of people in Africa,” says Myxter. “Banks don’t recognize 80 percent of the people.” Making Positive ChangesMyxter and WOCCU staff also met with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to discuss funding for training; and IRNet Coop Kenya LTD, regarding the money transfer program. During discussions with the General Manager of IRNet Kenya, the group learned that more than 4 million Kenyans live in the United States, with the Philadelphia/New Jersey area considered one of the “hot spots” for Kenyan immigrants. Remittances in Kenya are estimated at $600 million ( U.S.) per year. Peak transaction periods are at the start of school (January, April, September) and Christmas (December).

Khaemba, who visited Pennsylvania in April to meet with Association staff and the Pennsylvania Department of Banking officials, values the partnership of WOCCU and the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association. Following graduation ceremonies, he invited Myxter and the staff from WOCCU and Strathmore University to dinner at a local restaurant. Khaemba and his wife expressed appreciation for the hospitality during their visit to Pennsylvania.

“This is a great experience and it is apparent that the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association’s WOCCU Partnership is reaping great rewards for SACCOs and the Kenyan population,” states Myxter. “While positive change has been slow, our endeavors will be the blueprint for credit union success throughout Africa.”

Content taken from Keystone Extra, a publication of the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association.


Connecticut and Trinidad to expand Credit Union to Credit Union Partnerships

Eight Connecticut Credit Union professionals and volunteers visited credit unions in Trinidad. Visitors included Kathy Chartier and Kelly Becker of Members Credit Union, Carol Bayreuther of Hartford Healthcare Credit Union, Larry Hertell and Pete Brochu of Charter Oak Federal Credit Union, Robyn Swanson and Joe Szumowski of Seasons Federal Credit Union and John Keet of Personal Care Federal Credit Union.

This trip was a next step in continuing the partnership between CCUA and the Cooperative Credit Union League of Trinidad and Tobago (CCULTT). The visit was planned to renew and expand upon current relationships, and to identify potential credit union - to - credit union partnerships, or twinning, as they call it in T&T.

Text and Picture provided by Kathy Chartier. Picture taken at San Fernando Community Credit Union.


Costa Rica and Alabama Sign Partnership Agreement

The Alabama Credit Union League (ACUL) recently hosted leaders from its partner credit union association, the Costa Rican Federation of Credit Unions (FEDEAC). The exchange built upon and reinforced the connections established during last November's League visit to Costa Rica and culminated with the signing of an international partnership agreement between the organizations. This partnership enables both sides to share best practices, strategies, and plans for member services and education.

During the visit, direct credit union to credit union partnerships were also started. Each participant made a presentation that included the history of the credit union, field of membership, services offered, and the unique attributes of each. The partnering credit unions met individually to explore issues and areas for the continued mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. This included such ideas as an employee exchange program, sharing marketing materials, financial literacy, youth programs; and tackling such large issues as shared branching and information technology. The partnered credit unions are Alabama Teacher’s Credit Union and Coopeande No.1; Legacy Credit Union and Coopalianza; Mutual Savings Credit Union and Coopemex; and Community Credit Union and Coopenae.

Written by Thomas Belekevich


Minnesota delegation in Paraguay

Asuncion, Paraguay.

Bill Raker and Dana Hofmann-Geye are here this week to participate in CENCOPAN's IV International Conference and 12th Anniversary. CENCOPAN and the Minnesota Credit Union Network have an international partnership since April 2003.

Raker addressed the conference with a presentation on strategic planning while Hofmann-Geye talked about lobbying and the relationship between the credit union industry and the government.

While in Paraguay the delegation visited INCOOP, the credit union industry regulator as well as Mercado 4 Credit Union, an institution located in a open market which provides loans for vendors to buy their products on a daily basis.

Pictured: (L to R) Pedro Loblein, CENCOPAN, Dana Hofmann-Geye and Bill Raker from the Minnesota Credit Union Network.


Juntos Avanzamos Program adds three more credit unions in Texas

DATCU, shinning example of what makes CUs different

A "Juntos Avanzamos" flag now flies in front of DATCU CU (Denton). The Texas Credit Union League (TCUL) awarded the designation last week at a ceremony attended by credit union officials, local community leaders and members of city government, including Mayor Euline Brock. DATCU is the fourth credit union in Texas to receive the designation, which signifies that it has a long-term vision and commitment to serving the needs of the Hispanic market. At the same time, this designation lets the Hispanic community know that they can receive friendly, affordable financial services at this "capacity to serve" or "Juntos Avanzamos" institution.

"Credit unions are an integral part of our communities. We are helping families buy their first home, send their children off to college, and plan for their future," TCUL Board of Director Pamela Stephens told the crowd. "Credit unions are about "people helping people. These are not just mere words - it is the philosophy by which we live by. By earning this designation, DATCU has demonstrated its sincere commitment to ensuring that all Texans have access to affordable financial services."

"DATCU, you are a shining example of what makes credit unions different," she adds.
A program of TCUL, Juntos Avanzamos (Together we Advance) is aimed at empowering Texas credit unions to serve their Hispanic market more effectively. By identifying the credit unions with the "capacity to serve," TCUL is able channel its resources to these specific credit unions to help them grow their outreach programs, explains TCUL Communications Director Linda Webb-Mañon. In order to earn the prestigious Juntos Avanzamos designation, credit unions must complete the capacity- to-serve application. The application is quite extensive, requiring information about what products and services the credit union offers to specifically address the needs of this market, as well as what the strategies are for serving this demographic group.
Claudia Velasco of the Mexican Consulate's office in Dallas expressed her gratitude toward DATCU and other Texas credit unions that are opening their doors to the Hispanic community - a segment of the population that she says is growing not only in size, but also in economic influence.

"As an immigrant myself, I understand how important it is to have a relationship with a financial institution," Emma Guzman Ramon, a DATCU board of director told the crowd. "I am proud to accept this honor on behalf of DATCU and I am even more proud to be associated with an organization that puts people before profit."

Mario Galarraga, a project manager with the World Council of Credit Unions who is working with the Caja Popular Mexicana (CPM) in Mexico, congratulated DATCU for their extraordinary efforts in serving the Hispanic community, as well as the role it has played in the international movement. Galarraga, along with representatives from the CPM, had visited with DATCU CU a couple of years ago. The credit union shared best practices in the areas of human resources and training. In addition, Frances Al-Waely, chair of DATCU's Hispanic outreach committee, visited the CPM two years ago, attending their annual meeting and touring their main office in Leon, Mexico. On that visit, Al-Waely says she learned that the CPM struggles with many of the same issues credit unions in the U.S. face when trying to reach out to their Hispanic communities.
TCUL conducted a flagship ceremony at Plus4 CU (Houston) and Friday, at Unity One FCU (Fort Worth). First Central CU (Waco), and Velocity CU (Austin) have also earned the Juntos Avanzamos designation and flagship ceremonies will be held at a later date.

Content taken from The Leaguer, a publication of TCUL
More pictures here


Risk management focus of CPM visit

Caja Popular Mexicana (CPM), the largest credit union in Mexico, wrapped up a three-day tour in Texas where it visited with credit union executives at Unity One FCU (Fort Worth) before participating in an afternoon Juntos Avanzamos flagship ceremony. Unity OneFCU earned the Juntos Avanzamos, or "Together we Advance" designation for its extraordinary outreach to the Hispanic community.

The purpose of the CPM's visit was to meet with credit unions on this side of the border to examine how they manage credit and liquidity risk, as well as operational risks. Representing the CPM on this visit was Mario Galarraga, Jorge Gutierrez and Gonzalo Cervantes. The trio met with Energy Capital CU (Houston) on Thursday and Unity One FCU the following day. Cervantes explains the CPM's greatest challenge is its ability to measure and monitor credit risk in order to minimize losses.

"Loans represent about 70 percent of this institution's assets. We approve 40,000 loans a month, so is of great importance to develop a methodology to better manage this risk," Gutierrez says. Cervantes says operational risk is also very important in the lending area because there is a need to monitor the policies and procedures followed by personnel.

The CPM group also participated in three flagship ceremonies while in Texas:
* DATCU CU (Denton)
* Plus4 CU (Houston)
* Unity One FCU

The Juntos Avanzamos designation is given only to those Texas credit unions that demonstrate a long-term vision and strategy for serving the market. Speaking on behalf of the CPM, Galarraga says they are honored to have been offered the opportunity to participate in the raising of the flag at these institutions and commends the credit unions for their service to Hispanics. Vladamir Stark, CEO of Plus4 CU, says their goal is to be the Hispanic communities "bridge to financial independence." And Unity One FCU CEO Gary Williams assures his credit union is committed to serving this market and is here to stay.

Content taken from The Leaguer, a TCUL publication.


Texas League participates in Jamaica League's Annual General Meeting

From May 16-19, Mike Delker, VP of Credit Union Relations at the Texas Credit Union League visited Jamaica to attend JCCUL’s Annual General Meeting, have dialogue with the league staff, and meet and discuss the partnership progress with the direct credit union to credit union partners.

Along with Pete Crear, WOCCU’s CEO, Delker participated in a review session of the credit union to credit union partnerships. Fourteen Jamaican CU s and the Jamaica League participated in the first year of the program. The participating CU s were St. Catherine, Manchester, Insurance Employees, GSB, Westmoreland, Palisadoes, COK, NCB Employees, JTA, St. Thomas, UWI Mona & Community, Kirkvine, JPS and AAMM.

More Jamaica-Texas partnership pictures here


CPM visits Altura Credit Union in California

CPM Director of Risk Management Gonzalo Cervantes, WOCCU Project Director Mario Galarraga, and WOCCU Project Leader Jorge Mario Gutierrez met with Altura CU executives for two days to research information regarding risk management. CPM is currently preparing to add its own risk management department and the representatives received thorough information to help them develop and implement effective policies and procedures.

Image: L-R: (back) Altura CU VP Internal Audit Bob Duffy, WOCCU Project Leader Jorge Mario Gutierrez, Director of Risk Management Kathy Roney, CPM Director of Risk Management Gonzalo Cervantes, (front) Altura CU Risk Management Specialist Maria Roy and WOCCU Project Director Mario Galarraga at the Altura CU corporate office

Complete information here


Alianza goes to the Hill with New Mexico

Representatives from Mexico’s Alianza were in Washington, DC, last week to participate in a series of meetings related to their WOCCU sponsored international partnership with the Credit Union Association of New Mexico (CUANM).

Alianza had the opportunity to visit Navy Federal Credit Union and learn more about the day-to-day operations in a US Credit Union.
They also visited the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) and met with Chairperson Joanne Johnson and Board member Gigi Hyland to discuss the role of the credit union regulator.

A highlight of the visit to Washington, DC, was the opportunity to visit the United States Congres during a “Hike the Hill” event with the CUANM partners.

After three busy days in Washington, DC, the delegation traveled to Albuquerque for an up-close look at CUANM and its operations in New Mexico. In addition to a tour of CUANM’s offices, the delegation from Mexico visited two of CUANM’s member credit unions. At Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union, they were welcomed by CEO Christopher Jillson and several credit union staff members. They also visited New Mexico Educators FCU union where they learned more about product and services provided by large credit unions in the United States.

More pictures here

[Top] Alianza at NMEFCU - From back left, NMEFCU SVP-Operations Tom Hagan, Villegas, Diana Rendón, Gamiño, Angel Rendón, NMEFCU CEO Terry Laudick, NMEFCU SVP-Financial Services Susan Verbeck. Front row, from left, NMEFCU SVP-Information Technology Joe Christian, NMEFCU SVP-Human Resources Larry Erickson, NMEFCU VP-Marketing Anneliese Steen and WOCCU's Bice.

[R] Sylvia Lyon and Tomas Carrizales (CEO's of Alianza and CUANM) enjoying the visit.

Arizona Credit Unions learn about Marketing and Outreach Programs at Caja Libertad

The Arizona Credit Union System, in conjunction with the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU), recently took a group of Arizona credit union representatives to Queretaro, Mexico to visit ACUS’s partner credit union, Caja Libertad, for a week-long, fact-finding tour of the credit union’s marketing efforts.

Participants included Beatrice Vidal, Pima Federal CU; Laura Lowe Edgar, Arizona Federal CU; Carolyn Cameron, Jose and Lucy Carrera, First CU and Sandy Watts from the Arizona Credit Union System.

During the weeklong trip, the group visited Caja Libertad’s headquarter offices and held meetings with the credit union’s marketing department to find out how the credit union promotes services to their Latino membership.

More pictures here


Kenya Government Representative visits Pennsylvania

Recently the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association hosted the Permanent Secretary of the Kenya Ministry of Cooperative Development Mr. Patrick S. Khaemba as part of its WOCCU sponsored international partnership. Mr. Khaemba traveled to Washington, DC and Pennsylvania to learn more about credit union operations in the United States and to share his experience of working with the credit union movement in Kenya.

Read entire press release here

In the picture, Rodney Hood, Vice Chairman of the Board at the National Credit Union Administration in Alexandria, Virginia, meets with Kenya's Patrick S. Khaemba.

California Credit Union League CEO addresses CPM Assembly

California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues President and CEO Bill Cheney; Vice President of Business Services Sylvia Fath; and League Diversity Committee members, Arrowhead CU Board Chairman Marie Alonzo and Printing Industries CU President and CEO Rick Dockery attended the 2006 Caja Popular Mexicana (CPM) Annual Meeting, held April 21-22 in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Complete press release here


Paraguay Internship in Minnesota

Maria del Carmen Gonzalez and Edgar Alejandro Viveros have just completed a two week internship on credit union IT operations. Maria and Alejandro work at Cooperativa Universitaria in Asuncion, Paraguay.

World Council of Credit Unions thanks Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union, Postal Credit Union, SouthPoint Federal Credit Union and Twin City Co-ops Federal Credit Union for participating in the exchange program. Each credit union hosted one of the Paraguayans for a week. Additionally, employees from each credit union served as temporary host families exposing the interns to the daily American life.

Mr. Viveros and Ms. Gonzalez had the opportunity to work closely with credit union staff on a daily basis during their stay. The internship served as an opportunity not only for professional development, but also as an important cultural exchange between Paraguay and Minnesota.

Press release here
More pictures here

Branding brings together Bahamas and Massachusetts

Less than a year after officially signing the WOCCU International Partnership agreement, the Massachusetts Credit Union League and the Bahamas Cooperative League have already been successful at sharing branding, awareness and marketing materials in an effort to raise Credit Union profile in the Bahamas.

Representatives from both the Bahamas and Massachusetts have worked diligently to ensure the success of the partnership. Most recently, the Massachusetts Credit Union League hosted Francis Davis and Bruce Delancey, representatives of the Bahamas Cooperative League.

During their time in the U.S., Mr. Davis and Mr. Delancey were able to visit Boston Firefighters Credit Union and Harvard University Employees Credit Union. They gained valuable insight into credit union operations in Massachusetts, which they will be able to share with credit unions in the Bahamas, further promoting the goals of the partnership program.

In the photo, the Bahamian visitors chat with Marilyn Gambardella and Michelle Martin of Harvard University Employees Credit Union.

Press release here

Segovia Boltes addresses Minnesota Credit Union Network's 2006 Annual Meeting

Special guests from the Paraguayan credit union organization Central de Cooperativas del Area Nacional Ltda. (CENCOPAN) attended the Minnesota Credit Union Network’s 2006 Annual Meeting April 7-8 and were featured speakers at the business meeting. Dr. Modesto Segovia Boltes, Board President of CENCOPAN, spoke to attendees to increase awareness of the partnership that exists between CENCOPAN and MnCUN.

The two credit union trade associations began their relationship in 2004 through the World Council of Credit Union’s (WOCCU’s) International Partnership Program. The relationship was formed to exchange knowledge, information and experiences to benefit the credit union Movement in both countries. Technology and legislative/regulatory advocacy were identified as the major concentrations of the partnership.

In the pictures, the Paraguayan delegation visits the new offices of the Minnesota Credit Union Network.


Panama and Iowa sign partnership agreement

Pat Jury and Pat Drennen representing the Iowa Credit Union League along with Magda Arauz and Jacinto Villarreal from COFEP, Panama kick off a week of intense activity by signing the international credit union partnership agreement.

Read press release here
View pictures here


Rural Credit Union Development in Bolivia. Ohio partnership work in Bolivia.

In a recent trip to Bolivia, WOCCU Public Affairs Manager Molly Schar documented the development of a national shared branching network assisted by the Ohio-Bolivia partnership and talked with credit union staff, volunteers and members about the importance of the network to rural Bolivians.

Related press release here.


Panama to visit Iowa

Six representatives from COFEP are scheduled to visit the Iowa Credit Union League 3/27-31. The partnership agreement will be signed during the "Serving the Underserved Summit" hosted by the Iowa Credit Union Foundation. Press Release.

The picture was taken in August 2005 when representatives from the Iowa Credit Union League visited their partner in Panama. Jacinto Villarreal and Pat Jury in the foreground. In Panama this visit was also published.


Juntos Avanzamos Program Starts in Texas Credit Unions

Ramon Imperial Zuniga, Caja Popular Mexicana's CEO along with Neighborhood Credit Union's CEO, Chet Kimmel raise the Juntos Avanzamos program flag. The program is a Texas Credit Union League initiative aimed at empowering credit unions in the state to serve their Hispanic market more effectively.

Linda Webb-Manon, from the Texas League worked with Caja Popular Mexicana in the designation process. Webb-Manon says: "Having a representative from Mexico come and literally 'flag' the credit union not only legitimizes the program, but also demonstrates the cooperative nature of credit unions and their commitment to ensuring that Hispanics on both sides of the border have access to financial services."

The first credit unions to be honored with the designation are Neighborhood Credit Union in Dallas, West Texas Credit Union in El Paso, and San Antonio City Employees FCU in San Antonio. More pictures here


Jill Manske de Azocar joins Partnership Department at WOCCU

Jill Manske de Azócar will join International Partnerships
effective Wednesday, January 11, 2006 as the part-time
International Partnerships Assistant.

Jill studied at the University of Minnesota obtaining a B.A. in
Latin American Studies and Spanish. She is presently
completing her law degree from the University of WI – Madison.