
Costa Rica and Alabama Sign Partnership Agreement

The Alabama Credit Union League (ACUL) recently hosted leaders from its partner credit union association, the Costa Rican Federation of Credit Unions (FEDEAC). The exchange built upon and reinforced the connections established during last November's League visit to Costa Rica and culminated with the signing of an international partnership agreement between the organizations. This partnership enables both sides to share best practices, strategies, and plans for member services and education.

During the visit, direct credit union to credit union partnerships were also started. Each participant made a presentation that included the history of the credit union, field of membership, services offered, and the unique attributes of each. The partnering credit unions met individually to explore issues and areas for the continued mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. This included such ideas as an employee exchange program, sharing marketing materials, financial literacy, youth programs; and tackling such large issues as shared branching and information technology. The partnered credit unions are Alabama Teacher’s Credit Union and Coopeande No.1; Legacy Credit Union and Coopalianza; Mutual Savings Credit Union and Coopemex; and Community Credit Union and Coopenae.

Written by Thomas Belekevich

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