
Alabama & Costa Rica CU-to-CU Partnerships Kick Off

Representatives from three Alabama credit unions made their first trip to Costa Rica in late December in search of opportunities to expand their relationships with partnering Costa Rican credit unions.

The first afternoon of the visit was spent with FEDEAC's board of directors, where visitors became acquainted with their overseas peers in the national federation.

The group also joined COOPENAE for an evening to help celebrate its 40th Anniversary. Throughout the remainder of the stay, representatives met with their partnering credit unions and identified a work plan beneficial to each organization.

Gary Wolter, CEO, and Vicki Williams, SEVP & COO, of the Alabama Credit Union League joined Manuel BolaƱos, FEDEAC CEO, and Victor Corro, WOCCU International Partnerships Manager, during the week to identify areas in which FEDEAC can better serve its members.

The group included representatives from Community CU, Gadsden; Family Security CU, Decatur; Mutual Savings CU, Birmingham; and the Alabama Credit Union League. There are currently 5 credit union-to-credit union partnerships between Alabama and Costa Rica.

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