
Caja Popular Mexicana Praised at Annual Assembly

During Caja Popular Mexicana's General Annual Meeting, Dick Ensweiler, CEO Texas Credit Union League, and Gary Plank, WOCCU chairman, praised the credit union for its tremendous success in becoming Mexico's largest credit union. Plank also discussed some important issues such as membership growth and shared branching. Speakers including Ensweiler, Plank and Bill Cheney, CEO California Credit Union League, traveled to Lyon, Mexico on April 19.

Under the leadership of Ramon Impreial Zuniga and with the invaluable support of the staff and volunteers at CPM, the caja has overcome such challenges as high delinquencies, stagnant membership growth and outdated technology and has reworked its infrastructure to include a new IT platform and standard policies and procedures. With over one million members, declining delinquency rates, and new points of service opened up, CPM has brought many important financial services to families throughout Mexico.

CPM has been partnered with TCUL and CCUL through WOCCU's international partnership program since 2002. The three credit unions, also including New Mexico Credit Union League and the Arizona Credit Union League, will be meeting in Ontario, CA on April 24 and 25 for an international summit to explore more cooperative opportunities.

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