
Trinidad and Tobago Enjoy and Learn at Connecticut Meeting

(Pictured is Dr. Winford James, President of the Board of Directors CCULTT,
Kathy Chartier, Chair of CULC, Diane Joseph, Manager of CCULTT,
Kevin Chandler, CEO of CULC.)

The Credit Union League of Connecticut recently welcomed two visitors from the Cooperative Credit Union League of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Winford James, President of the Board of Directors, and Dianne Joseph, Manager of CCULTT.

The visitors from CCULTT were invited to participate in CULC's Annual General Meeting, a variety of educational and planning sessions, and also visit the league office and credit unions in the state.
In Connecticut, Dr. James and Ms. Joseph discussed league operations with league officials, visited the Seasons Federal Credit Union and Members Credit Union, and participated in a planning session with the partnership committee. Afterwards, the group attended the CULC's AGM where educational sessions and social events took place. Dr. James addressed the meeting with greetings from Trinidad and Tobago.

The planning session mainly comprised of a discussion about areas of cooperation which could benefit the partnership in the proceeding year. The discussion led to the theme of developing a good governance model and job descriptions, qualifications, and accountability measurements for board members. This initiative would help to achieve CCULT's mission of reuniting its league after the loss of 15 of its credit unions.

The partners concluded that the visit had an important impact on both sides, and displayed one of the most valuable outcomes of a partnership, the bonds that grow between the people of different cultures, especially when they have the commitment of credit union development.
On May 21, five representatives will travel from the CULC to Trinidad and Tobago and plan to visit credit unions, participate in the leadership conference, and continue the planning discussions.

Written by Josh Fetting, International Partnerships Intern

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